December Update

The first semester of the PhD program is over. I “survived”. I thought that was a joke, but even the professors in my department said the same thing.

Apparently the next semester will be harder with Large Sample Theory and Advanced Methods II, so I’m not looking forward to it. That being said, I did learn some things that I should improve on for the following semester.

  1. I need to think in matrices. If I had thought of that earlier for one of my exams, I could’ve had a free, relaxing evening.
  2. I should organize my notes better. They were all over the place. I’m thinking of just using OneNote for everything and writing down everything there.
  3. Practice, practice, practice, and look over the mistakes. I will probably work on past problems and re-do the previous exams I had in the following summer.

Classes aside, it’s been busy. The student organization still needs improving. I’m still struggling on how to convince Master students to come to the meetings. The Delta variant didn’t help and with Omnicron just looming over the distance, it’s not looking good. The two biggest things we need to get engagement on is the upcoming planned badminton tournament and t-shirt designs. The goal is to get 15 people to come a meeting.

I’ve also been becoming invested in basketball for some reason. Trying to become a more efficient shooter, but my weakness is driving and handling. I’m too predictable so it just makes me resort to shooting 3s, which don’t go in unless I’m pretty in-tuned. I’ll need to strengthen my left hand to dribble and drive. Maybe learning a euro-step will make me faster and better against big guys?

Hopefully next semester is bearable. I have a feeling I won’t be having as much free time as I did in the fall, but here’s to hoping that’s not the case.

I’ll have posted another “report” in my data analysis section, so check it out.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a happy new year.
